Lauren and Chris Seibel Photography/ Videoography

If you've made your way to our site, there’s a good chance that you’re in the process of planning a wedding and hopefully looking for the right people to capture your day! We know how important your wedding is and how many hours go into planning your perfect day! Building a personal relationship with our couples is extremely important to Us! Your experience with us begins the first time we meet and, we hope, will continue past your wedding day. We want you to call us a couple years down the road should a baby be part of your plans (::Wink Wink::), or you simply want some new images of the two of you together or you simply want to meet up to catch up!
Prior to your wedding day we spend time talking with you about what is most important to you about your images. When the day arrives, We work together to capture your wedding day in a fun and creative way. We focus on the emotional, candid, and personal aspects of the wedding that can never be repeated or duplicated.
We truly consider it an honor to be invited into some of the most personal moments in our couples’ lives, and we love getting to know you throughout the process!
Lauren & Chris
Contact Information
2636 38th St
Rock Island, IL 61201
Map - Phone: 3124483568
- Fax: laurenandchriss
- Cell: 312.448.35 Contact/Check Availability